Holiday Cookie Exchange
Come to the clubhouse on December 14th, at 1pm for a holiday cookie exchange! Residents can share cookies (or any other homemade dessert) with others. Feel free to bring your recipe too so others can try it …
Come to the clubhouse on December 14th, at 1pm for a holiday cookie exchange! Residents can share cookies (or any other homemade dessert) with others. Feel free to bring your recipe too so others can try it …
The Board of Directors of Westwood Village Condominium has scheduled for Aurora Paving to make repairs to the parking lot and improve the trash corrals. Please note the following schedule of work:
Wednesday, May 22nd and Thursday, May 23rd: Concrete …
Patriot Disposal Services, our trash company, is no longer hauling bulk items for free. They will be charging a $55 fee for bulk item collection moving forward.
Because of the change in policy, we ask that all residents please refrain …
COMMUNITY SAFETY: With the warmer months upon us, please be mindful of your surroundings as residents take advantage of the nicer weather to spend more time outside.
PETS: A total of six pet receptacles, each equipped with bags, …
WOOD ROT REPLACEMENT: Palmer Brothers will be on the property beginning the week of October 4, 2021. The scope of their work is to continue the next phase of replacing the rotted wood in the community. The work is anticipated …
Tree trimming will take place August 20th, 2021 (weather permitting). Residents should expect the tree trimmers to be on-site for three to four days.
TRASH: Mind …
ANNUAL REGISTRATION REMINDER: All residents are reminded to complete an online registration form for each vehicle in their household. The vehicle registration form can be accessed at the following address: If for any reason you are unable to …
TRASH: Mind the community disposal rules. Trash should be secured in bags and placed in the designated receptacles, while recyclables can be placed directly into the designated receptacles. Trash and recyclables should not be thrown on the ground outside of …
BUILDING ENTRANCE DOORS: Residents are asked to make sure the building entrance doors remain closed while not in use. It serves as an added layer of security to unit entrances.
SEASONAL REMINDER – THERMOSTATS: Residents planning on being away from …
ASPHALT & CONCRETE WORK: The last planned project for 2020 will be asphalt and concrete work. Concrete work is scheduled for 10/2/2020, weather permitting. Concrete work will address tripping hazards in the community and shave down the sidewalks so that …