July 2020 Announcements

ASPHALT WORK: The Board of Directors recently approved asphalt work to be completed later this year. This will include patching, crack seal, seal coating, and striping work. Additional details will be posted prior to the work starting.

Exterior deck work and railing painting is expected to finish in the coming weeks. Thank you for your part in the success of this project!

TRASH: Mind the community disposal rules. Trash should be secured in bags and placed in the designated plastic receptacles, while recyclables can be placed directly into the plastic receptacles. For large, oversized items, please call or arrange for a special pickup. Please do your part to keep the community beautiful and keep rodents and other pests away. Please also be mindful of residents living directly adjacent to the trash collection areas.

WEBSITE: Residents are encouraged to make use of the Association website to report issues or ask general inquiries. While Rod, the friendly community custodian is an excellent resource, he is not expected to make decisions for the Association. The website provides a direct line to the managing agent and Board of Directors.

NEXT MEETING: The Board of Directors is scheduled to virtually meet to conduct Association business on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 7:00pm. Call in information is posted on the Association calendar for those wishing to participate.